
Landscaping, Kazan

A social study showed that the people living in the residential complex "Prospect Universiade" are mostly mothers with a pram, dog owners, pensioners and people with disabilities.

The yard needs additional landscaping, while the lack of parking spaces and miscalculations are obvious. in infrastructure. Lack of lighting in the area why people don't feel safe in the evening time of the day. The concept was based on the meaning of the name of the street, on which it is located.
The Universiade was created to hold competitions among students. A similar competition - the Olympiad - unites many residents of different countries every 4 years. The main idea of   holding world competitions is to unite people from different countries.
We propose to unite all residents of the yard on the basis of a competitive spirit, forming the space of the yard around the playgrounds for sports events.
Year 2021 год
Area Площадь участка - 35 281 м² м2
Name Landscaping, Kazan
Project type Landscaping
Main architector
Garipov Rinat
Mutavalova Nazyra

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